
MRE Or Meals Ready To Eat Sales

If you’re in the market for MREs or meals ready to eat, such as one from XMRE, you likely know that they can be very expensive on the budget. If you’re on a budget and trying to find ways to save money and stock up on supplies in case of a doomsday scenario, you’ll want to get as much as you can for your money.  There are many great ways to go about finding the great sales and we’re going to go over them here so that you can take full advantage of as many of them as possible. You’ll find how to get coupons and how to make bulk purchases to save as much as you possibly can on the MREs available on the market today. It’s easier than you think.

If you’ve never bought MREs before, meals ready to eat were originally designed by the military to feed troops that were deployed or in battle.  They kept the troop’s bellies full while offering them a full meal deal that was hot and at the ready full of plenty of nutrition. It’s not easy to eat when out in a battle scene so the government made sure to find a way to feed the troops a healthy meal that didn’t require a lot of effort. These meals have everything that is required to stay healthy. From the utensils to eat with to the condiments that they want with their meals, they’re all enclosed at the ready to eat a meal. They have everything that is required for a healthy nutritious meal all packaged into one easy to use pouch. The Military MREs have anywhere from 600 calories per meal to as high as 3000 depending on the particular type that is being used. Civilian meals are much the same in that they have varying amounts of calories in them depending on the particular type purchased.

Many also come with a flameless ration heater or FRH that is used to heat the meal up to serving temperature. These are in the package themselves and have no flame to be seen in a dangerous situation so the location of the person who is eating the MRE isn’t easily discovered. The military used these to ensure the safety of their troops as well. Before you embark on your shopping spree, make sure that you know what the retail price is so that you won’t get ripped off by some entrepreneur who is out to make a buck on your lack of knowledge.

Bulk Buying

If you’re trying to stockpile supplies for a doomsday prepper situation you’ll want to find as many ways as you can to save and stock up on these. Buying in bulk is one great way to get more for your money. You can stockpile food for any emergency and you’ll have the peace of mind that your family will never go hungry.

When you buy in bulk you’ll find more free shipping, more “buy one get one” deals and often the sites will offer free samples of other flavors when you purchase certain amounts of some of the foods. Each of these are great ways to get some extras with your order and stockpile even more meals ready to eat for you and your family. You can never be too prepared.

Keep in mind that not all companies are created equal and you’ll want to sample some of the meals first to ensure that they’re going to be giving you the nutrition that you want in your meals not to mention the flavors.

Online Auctions

Another way to find meals ready to eat on sale is to buy them at online auction sites. These sites will often have great deals on the meals ready to eat. You’ll appreciate that you can really stock up on these sites and many will allow you to buy them outright and not bid on the case lots.

Keep in mind that you’ll want to understand the manufacturers date to ensure that the foods are as fresh as possible. While these are designed to last for 25 years on the shelf, they are much better if they’re consumed within the first 5 years after manufacture.

Each company will have their own method of labeling the meals ready to eat for manufacturer date so you’ll want to read the particular way each company labels the products to understand it. To do this, go to the particular company website and read the instructions on how to read the manufacturers date. Be sure to understand where to find this and always look for it when you’re on an online auction site so that you can be sure the food is as fresh as possible.

Military Surplus Stores

Military surplus stores get what’s left over from the military if they’ve been overstocked or didn’t use all of a supply in a deployment. Again, read the manufacturers date on all of the boxes or packages to ensure that your products are as fresh as possible. The sales personnel may or may not know how to read this information so always go over it on the manufacturer’s website or a video to ensure that your food is as fresh as possible. While MREs are designed to have a shelf life of over 5 years, the fresher it is, the better. It begins to lose some of its nutritional value after the first 5 years.

You can find these in surplus stores down aisles with foods. The personnel in the store should be able to direct you and will often be so glad to get the products off of their shelves that they will make deals on the spot. Remember, cash talks here so take cash whenever possible and ask if they’d be willing to sell several cases for “X” amount of money.

Keep in mind that each surplus store works slightly differently, but most are ready to wheel and deal if you’ve got cash in hand. Keep in mind that not all packages have everything in them. Some will have condiments and utensils and some won’t have these inside of them. Some will have the flameless ration heaters and others won’t. You’ll want to know exactly what you’re getting.

Manufacturer Sites

There are a variety of manufacturers for the meals ready to eat, such as Eversafe, MREStar or Meal Kit Supply. You can plug the key term of “meals ready to eat” into your favorite search engine and bring up a plethora of manufacturer sites (as well as other sites that may carry them). From here you can pick and choose where you want to go. There are a variety of sites that are going to pop up. Go to several of them and get an idea of how they work, the layout and the terms of purchase. You’ll also get to see the options on each site. Some will have more varieties of foods than others.

It’s important to note also that many will have other deals of snacks and other products that may be helpful for you in stockpiling your foods. Snack packages may have as many as 300 calories or more which can help to extend what you do have on hand. Many of the manufacturers will offer sales each month on specific flavors or products. You can watch for these or simply sign up for their newsletters and notifications on what is on sale that particular month. Watch for these in your inbox.

Some will throw buy one get one deal and most will have samples available for a nominal fee. Keep in mind that it’s not a deal if no one in your household will eat it. If you do find a flavor that everyone loves. Wait for it to go on sale. They usually have one that is on sale each month and some months, they have more than one flavor on sale. By taking advantage of this you’ll be able to maximize on your savings. Many will have deals where you get automatic shipments and can take advantage of sales in that fashion. It’s fun to get automatic shipments and you’ll be able to streamline your savings in this fashion if you choose only what is on sale.

Discount Stores

If you’re seeking out more deals you can often find them at huge discount stores and be able to stock up and get them there as well. Discount stores work by giving you as great of deals as possible on their products.

You’ll find that many discount stores only offer specific varieties or that they only offer varieties from one particular manufacturer. It’s all up to you which store you shop at but you won’t be able to debate prices in these stores as you can in some of the previously mentioned ways of buying MREs.

Discount stores will have periodic sales and if you ask a sales employee the sales cycle you may be able to take advantage of these as well. Focus on your favorite brands and stock up when you find them on sale. Sadly, discount stores are rather hit and miss for finding deals. They don’t always advertise these sales so you may have to check back often to find the greatest deals.

Bulk Foods Stores

Many bulk foods stores have MREs on the shelves at the ready for their customers. If this is the case, you may find the individual or by the case. It’s all up to you which you prefer. Keep in mind that bulk food stores may also be hit and miss for having them in stock.

They work very similarly to the discount stores in that they get what they can from manufacturers when they’re available. Not all of these stores work the same and some won’t carry meals ready to eat at all.

If they do carry them, the supply may be limited so you’ll want to be at the ready if you do find them. Don’t pass up a great deal and always keep an eye out for them.

Group Sales

If you’re part of a group that is preparing for doomsday scenarios or if you simply have a large family or know of several who are stocking up on food, you can often get in on group sales deals. Manufacturers will often give steep discounts to huge group orders.

If you can combine several family orders into one large order you may all find you have huge savings. This can really add up if you’re trying to stockpile for a year or more in a food supply. Keep in mind that not all companies will offer this, however, for those that do, it can be huge savings for everyone involved.

Group sales can offer huge discounts and the group can then divide the order up amongst themselves at a later date with everyone pitching in to pay for the order when it’s ordered. Many groups will do this and keep the food in a central location in an effort to make it as streamlined possible.

Church Groups

There are some churches that teach their congregation to stockpile food for one to seven years. These groups work together to order plenty of such foods in group settings so that they will all be able to eat should there be a serious situation or scenario where power is out or other serious cataclysmic events occur.

These groups will have a dedicated group within the congregation that work together to ensure that there is plenty of food available should it be needed. It’s free to join such groups and they will require participation at different levels.

These groups will work to find the best deals and focus on how to ensure that everyone participating is able to work toward the same goal. It works well if everyone is on the same page and working toward finding great deals.

Trials And Samples

Many manufacturers offer free trials of specials where you buy so many and get so many free. They also offer samples at a greatly reduced price for the products. These all work slightly differently and you’ll want to read the fine print on the websites in an effort to understand how they work.

Keep in mind that if you don’t particularly care for a flavor you’ll want to make note of it. If you expect the condiments and utensils with it be sure that you read the fine print as not all come with the condiments and utensils. Some will have the flameless ration heaters and others will not have these.

It’s important to know this when picking and choosing so that you’re not caught off guard when you go to use your meals ready to eat and find that it’s not quite what you had anticipated. Always read what is and isn’t included in the meals and you won’t have such surprises. Many sales items are on sale as they are no longer made so don’t think that a sale is just because the products are subpar.

Parent Groups

Many parent groups work together to get deals on meals ready to eat. These groups aren’t necessarily planning for a doomsday scenario, they are often groups of parents that have kids in after-school activities and are trying to avoid fast foods.

These groups gather together and may purchase a few cases of these and distribute them among the team and parents for quick nutritious meals when they’re on the road, at late night games and too busy to have healthy meals at home.

These groups also get together for other adventures and may work toward having these on hand so that they are always prepared for any event.

Camping Groups

There are many camping groups that stockpile these for emergency food supplies and for other reasons. If you’re part of a camping group be sure to find out if your group does this. You may find that they can get you special deals on the products so that you can save a lot of money on them.

Focus on the kinds that you prefer so that you’re not wasting your money on products that you don’t care for. Remember to ask the group leader if there is someone in charge of such things. Don’t be afraid to organize it yourself if there isn’t anyone doing it.

Camping groups offer a unique opportunity for you to be able to build your supply up while still having fun and preparing for emergencies. It doesn’t have to be stressful to do this.

Emergency Preparedness Groups

There is a variety of these out there today and many will help you to focus on building your emergency food supply. They may offer sales and coupons for you to use in order to help you build up your emergency food supplies.

You’ll find that there are many of these groups and they’re willing to help you find ways to save. Take advantage of every savings opportunity and you’re sure to find that you have plenty of food for an emergency.

Don’t focus on just one company when you’re building up this supply if you focus on only one company you may miss out on a deal with another company. Every little bit can add up so don’t stress over which company or manufacturer, just seek out the sales.

Big Box Stores

Big box stores offer deals on all sorts of products. You can find these simply by walking in, by watching for ads and by subscribing to sales notifications and flyers. Again, remember to check the aisles each time you enter to ensure that you’re not missing out on any great deals.

You’ll find some great savings here and many of these stores offer discount coupons where after you spend X amount in their store, you may get a savings of $10 or more on your entire order. This may net you huge savings on meals ready to eat.

Watch for deals that may save you money in this fashion and you may be able to really stock up on your meals ready to eat for your food supply. Sales don’t always get advertised so be sure that you’re checking your options for sales and always take a peek whenever you’re out shopping to ensure that you’re not missing out on any sales items.

Learn that when you’re out shopping to check for sales whether they’re advertised or not. This will help you to not miss out on deals that aren’t advertised. Remember that seasonal items are changed out seasonally and often they will go to the entire store preparing for the next season and you may have some unadvertised sales this time.

Focus on how you can maximize your sales coupons and deals by learning how to spot the deals fast. You may want to combine several of the above-mentioned ideas to help maximize your savings on all of the meals ready to eat. It’s amazing how much you can save when you choose several of the various methods mentioned above to do your shopping. Sale items haven’t lost their nutritional value and these companies want to do everything that they can do to encourage purchases. If you’re determined, patient and diligent, you can find a lot of great deals and sales on meals ready to eat.

Often, the best deals aren’t even advertised and you’ll find that you just happen to be in the right area at the right time to grab up the best ever deal. You’ll be amazed at how great these deals are and how much you can save if you just learn how to watch for such deals. Keep a stash of money set aside for snagging these sales on meals ready to eat and you won’t have to worry about going hungry regardless of the scenario.

You’ll love having healthy meals for your family and you’ll have more peace of mind when you know you bought it all on sale and found deals that saved you a lot of money.

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